
Waxing is the process of hair removal. Strip wax or hard wax is used to quickly and effectively remove the hair from the root. The skin is cleansed then prepped with a powder to protect the skin from the wax, after the waxing process is complete we use an after waxing oil that soothes, calms, and removes wax residue. Results last up to 6 weeks!

Why wax instead of shave?

Waxing removes dead skin cells, exfoliates your skin, and removes hair! Results last much longer and in some cases can even get hair to stop growing. No itching, no cuts, no prickliness, and a variety of options that can be tailored to you!

Waxing removes the hair growth from the roots which lessen the growth of ingrown hair. After shaving, the hair growth becomes blunt, rough, uneven and thick. After waxing, hair growth becomes even and skin becomes soft and smooth.